Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Wherein I talk about weight issues

I've never thought of myself as "skinny" or "fat". I always thought of myself as average. Even at 17 and 115 lbs, I still never thought of myself as skinny. I never really paid any attention to what I ate. I ate what I wanted. Pretty much still do.

However, I'm starting to notice things have changed. It's not as easy to lose weight anymore. I have to work harder. Eat better. Work out more. I won't go into specifics, but I found a Watchers of the Weight book. It was from the fall/summer of 2010. I looked at the last recorded weight, around the beginning of summer. Then, I went and weighed myself. I knew I'd put on weight. I knew I wouldn't be happy with the number. Y'all, I've gained 30 lbs.  30 pounds. That's a 3 year old!

To say it depressed me is an understatement. I've never been this size/weight in my life. I still don't really think of myself as "fat." (How I loathe that word.) I am overweight. Even for someone with a large frame, (which I do not have) I'm overweight. I need to lose this weight.

So, I'm trying. I'm working out more than I was (which was never). I've got to work on the whole "not eating my body weight in Nutella and ice cream everyday" thing. I enjoy going to classes at the YMCA. I'm really not good at working out on my own. I need someone to hold me accountable for doing a complete workout. I've found some classes I really enjoy ( I know, enjoying a workout is crazy), and am trying others to find out what else I like. I've tried Pilates (meh), Yoga (yay!), a Basic Training class (awesome, but HARD), and this week I'm trying kickboxing or spin.

What are your thoughts, oh internetz? What classes do you not hate?


  1. I recently took a kick boxing class and loved it. I also love zumba and step if the teacher is not too hard core. Also muscle pump.

  2. It's hard to get back on The Liar (aka the Scale) after a long time and see the number be up. We have all been fighting that battle for a long time. I wish I was there to go to and suffer through classes with you, but just know that you've got my support, if only virtually. I am proud of you for owning the number on the scale and doing something about it, even though you aren't "fat". It's how you feel that matters and making yourself happy and feel better is the end-goal. And I would give you class suggestions, but you already know what kind of pain and torture I enjoy. ;) 

  3. I hate all classes, all forms of weight loss inducing exercise, done strictly for exercise purposes. It frustrates me no end to get nothing done while I exercise.

    So last year I sold my car and we ride bikes almost every day to somewhere. I have three bikes, one (butt ugly and stupidly awkward mountain bike) I loathe but it hooks nicely to a two-seat trail-a-bike, so that I can take two hill helpers with me. One bin bike (like an ice cream tricycle) that I like but it is hard work -- holds four kids out front in a bin -- and this year I bought myself a bike that is almost a cruiser but it takes on hills nicely, so I *guess* it is a hybrid bike. O how I love that bike. It is so good, so full of the awesome, that my husband sneaks it out on errands, even though it screams ladies' bike.

    I have always gotten my exercise (when I get any) by commuting -- walking, riding, whatever. When someone praises it as a great form of exercise, I curse them and take public transit for a week. That cures my memory of the fact that it is exercise and I get back on my bikes.

    I know, I'm the weird one, I have hang ups. You definitely don't want to ask me my diet secrets because I am totally allergic. I was (mostly) an overweight teen and young adult with a dogged disordered eating, so mostly I eat without too much limits. And sometimes I go through weird phases. Like right now I am eating a plate of kale a day to feed my mitochondrial. I decided I would eat kale like other people eat starches. Every day.

    Munch munch munch.

    Munch munch munch.

    Munch munch munch.

  4. If everything weren't so spread out, I would totally ride or walk everywhere. It's just not feasible for us. It does make me sad panda.

  5. Yeah, I know what kind of pain and torture you like-but I still enjoy Donna's classes! I finally went to her Thursday night Interval class and thought I was gonna pass out! But it was a great cardio workout. I'm still psyching myself up for spin.

  6. Zumba is a 'meh' for me. I'm okay going as long as I have other people going to look funny with! I'm working on my cardio-I need to build up my endurance. I'm too uncoordinated for step-I'd end up flailing everywhere!

  7. Ya. I totally get that. I grew up in the suburbs, and swore I would never go back. I was pretty cold blooded when I chose a spouse, he had to be a city guy too. I feel your sad panda pain. <3

  8. I look totally ridic in any aerobics class, from the 80s, 90s or new millenium. I think I would try a spin class if I had to do any of them.

    Also? I don't bounce well. Or rather, perhaps a little too well. #blackeyes

  9. I took ballet classes for quite awhile and LOVED it.  Now I have a treadmill, an ipod and an active imagination cuz it's facing the wall.  Nowhere else to put it.  Sometimes I dream about a tv being right there....

  10. I hate working out. I get all sweaty and red, and I have the asthma so I have to have my inhaler if I do any cardio. That being said, I love how I feel after I work out. I just need someone to go with me. Maybe you need a buddy, too?

  11. You pretty much just described my weight journey there. Except that I haven't joined any classes (I SO very much need/want to, though). 

    We don't have a scale at our house, but there is a big one by the door in our grocery store (WHY? I have no idea!). I tend to step on it when I walk in the door, and at some point I'm thinking it will become some sort of grocery buying guide for me - less ice cream, more carrots. 

  12. I did have a treadmill. And it sat in the corner of our room for months. I'd use it every once in a while, but it's really not my thing. Ballet classes might be interesting!

  13. I wouldn't say I hate it, the few classes I've been to, I've not wanted to punch the teacher in the face. I did have a buddy, but she moved to Hawaii. Now, it's hard to get people to go. They have this excuse called "work" or some shit like that!

  14. We have a scale. I use it every so often; my problem is wanting to weigh myself EVERY DAY. And I know that's counter-productive.
    Also: You will never take away my ice cream. I will cut a bitch if they take away my ice cream!

  15. Ok, why did it show that profile instead of AnnaBella??? Grr, Google!!

  16. And not in the good way.
    I will be there so soon :)
