Monday, March 05, 2012

Wherein I got nothing much goin' on

It's been kinda quiet in the Tookel Household lately. We're slowly getting ready for moving. Making lists of stuff that we want to move ourselves (The Navy will pay for movers to do everything) and we don't want to get broken or lost. You know, things like our computers and personal files. I mean, we're less than 3 months away, so we're trying to be prepared. Since we're having the Navy move us, there are specific things we have to do before the movers come. Anything we're taking ourselves has to be in a separate, marked, area. They won't pack batteries, candles, cleaning supplies, or anything out of the refrigerator or freezer. We have to clean the house before we leave and make some minor repairs. We've lived here for 3 years-so it's just things like a hole in the wall where The Boy pulled the curtains down. Or the siding where the neighbors shot fireworks off in the road and burned a hole. You know. Minor wear and tear stuff. Stuff that gets filed in the "one day" folder. Non-urgent, but needs to be done, so we can get back our security deposit. Ugh.

Also, I've been slowly, but surely, reading and auditing resource pages over at Band Back Together. Check 'em out, yo. They're pretty rad.

At night, I've been a doing a little social media. Catching up with old friends, making new ones and starting rumours about people being pregnant. Good times, good times. Click on my twitter button in the sidebar and come join in the fun!


  1. I love you on the twitter....and everywhere else, really.

    It is nice that they will do some of the packing and moving for you. Packing is a real pain in the butt. 

  2.  twitter is my newest addiction.
    Moving with the Navy is kind of a sweet deal. they pack, load the truck, drive the truck to your new house, unload and (will if you want them too) unpack and take away all the boxes and paper. But, you're trusting EVERYTHING to people you don't know.

  3. That is a little scary. Do you get to stand there and boss them around while they move at least? 

    I can see why there are certain things you would choose to move yourself. 

  4. Are you talking about me? You're talking about me, aren't you? These pants DO make my butt look pregnant! D: hehehe

  5.  I WAS talking about you. I spelled it the Canadian way, didn't I? All those extra letters? *evil grin*

  6.  Hell, yeah we are!! Those RPs don't know what hit 'em!

  7.  Yeah, we have to watch them as they pack and load everything. And they inventory everything. But yeah, files? Computers? We're taking ourselves.
